Diffuse 1-2 drops of lavender oil. Rub 2-3 drops of
lavender oil in your cupped palms, then use the inhalation method to calm the mind. Rub on the feet,
temples, wrists (or anywhere) for an immediate calming effect on the
Rub a drop
of lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help keep your sinuses healthy. You can also do a "lavender swipe". Put a drop on your finger and swipe the inside of your cheek. This doesn't taste good, but it is effective.Sleeping
Many people put a drop of lavender on their hands and spread on their pillow at night to help get a good night of rest.
For healthy skin, put a drop of lavender on:
Bee sting / Insect bite
Bee sting / Insect bite
Minor burn
Mix with melrose and coconut oil = great for keeping skin smooth and moist, especially in the winter
Mix with melrose and coconut oil = great for keeping skin smooth and moist, especially in the winter
If you couldn't tell already, lavender is wonderful for the skin. Many people include it in their DIY face moisturizers or serums. I plan on making one soon that will include lavender, and will post the recipe.